"Radio is public and powerful. Excluding women from radio
excludes them from public power...
There's a radio format waiting to be invented,
one that would give women a bigger voice and tap into a bigger market."
-Mary Schmich Chicago Tribune
excludes them from public power...
There's a radio format waiting to be invented,
one that would give women a bigger voice and tap into a bigger market."
-Mary Schmich Chicago Tribune
Women Radio Listeners - Our time has come!
Give us a listen. Give us your input as we produce a monthly radio program.
For updates join this Blog: http://womensmediagroup.blogspot.com
About the show The Feminist Lens: A new radio magazine show
The Feminist Lens is a Women's Media Group radio program in a magazine format
that looks at the fine arts from a feminist perspective. Commentator Marilyn Campbell,
with Maya Friedler and Jamie O'Reilly of Women's Media Group, engages in conversation
with formidable authors, musicians, film critics, and scholars, using the feminist lens to focus on a theme. Musical pieces, spoken word, and archival material are presented with commentary.
Listeners hear from activists and archivists: such as Second-Wave Feminists
who were trailblazers in grassroots efforts for equality, and we hear from activists now.
The program explores current events, on a local and global scale, and comments on
women's issues "then" and now. Original musical composition and personal essays
are regular features of the program.
Program Listing
"Witch hunts, heresy, and human rights"
the Pilot Show
May 8, 2010
WFMT 98.7 FM Radio
7:30 - 8:00 PM
The notion of the "witch hunt" in its many guises is explored through recordings by Jamie O'Reilly and Anne Hills, the poetry of Anne Sexton, an interview with novelist Sara Paretsky, commentary from film critic Milos Stehlik, Joyce Piven and more. Hosted by Marilyn Campbell. Commentary Maya Friedler.
The Feminist Lens is a production of Women's Media Group, Maya Friedler,
Jamie O'Reilly, producers. Written by Marilyn Campbell, Maya Friedler, Jamie O'Reilly.
Audio Production and editing: Cat Jarboe, Al Nowalkowski.
Caryl Churchill's play Vinegar Tom segment: with Joyce Piven and Maya Friedler,
rwas ecorded @ SPACE, Stuart Rosenberg, Executive Director.
For more information, email us or visit us on the Web at www.wmgchicago.com